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Along with being a SFF and romance author, I'm also an editor. I began working with On Screen Magazine (previously Big Screen) — a UK film magazine — in 2008, writing film feature articles and previews, before taking the role of Content Editor until 2019, which included multiple rounds of edits with a team of freelance writers. In addition, I have critiqued hundreds of full-length novels, novellas, short stories, query letters, synopses, and blurbs for fellow writers since 2012. Prior to this, I graduated with a 1st class Film BA from Falmouth University, in Cornwall, UK.

All prices are in USD.




Query Critiques

Query Critique — I will do two rounds of feedback with you on a 1-page agent query letter. Price: $15

Query + 10 pages — Same as above as well as feedback and advice on your first 10 manuscript pages. Price: $25




Query Submission Pack

Feedback on your query letter, synopsis, and first 50 pages. ​Ideally, your synopsis is 1-2 pages max, but if it's longer and you're struggling to see what's necessary and what can be cut, I can help with this too! Send me whatever length synopsis you've got and I'll make suggestions to cut it down to 1-2 pages, whatever your preference.

Price: $75






Line-by-line feedback including typos, grammatical errors, repetitive words, and anything I feel might cause confusion. I will also make suggestions if a sentence flow feels awkward. I may include questions and comments where I feel you would benefit from clarifying or simplifying. 

A minimum of 10,000 words is required. Full-length manuscripts are preferred; however, if you have a short story with less than 10k words that needs this service, please message me and we can work something out!

Price: $.007 per word (for instance, an 80,000-word novel would cost $560).




I will read your entire manuscript, fixing grammatical issues and flagging repetitive words/phrases, and any areas that may cause confusion, with line-by-line comments as necessary. You will also receive a detailed editorial report with advice on structure, style, and characterization, with a careful eye on inconsistencies, clarity, and pacing. In this report I will give actionable feedback on anything I feel could be improved upon. The main goal of this service is to check where the manuscript may need simplifying, deepening, clarification, or increased tension to make for a more compelling read.

This service is only available for completed works of 50,000 words or more.

Price: $.013 per word (an 80,000-word novel would cost $1040).




This is a lighter version of the copyediting package. If you are a more experienced author, or looking to self-publish and need a fast pass, I will read your entire submission (10,000-word minimum), fixing typos, grammar, and punctuation only (no feedback).

There is a base fee for this of $.005 per word, but for an additional fee, if you are an over-writer (like me!) and want to cut your word count down, I will make suggestions for cutting unnecessary language and simplifying ideas to reach a desired word count. 

Price for Proofreading only: $.005 per word (an 80,000-word novel would cost $400).
Price for Proofreading & Cutting: $.007 per word (an 80,000-word novel would cost $560).




Cheyenne L. Campbell

Fantasy & Romance Author

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